Fill Out Your Request

Please note that we cannot guarantee that your request will be approved. Please ensure you meet the following requirements BEFORE filing out this form.

You Must Have The Following:

  • Using The Platinum Vendor Plan.
  • Have Been A Vendor For a Minimum of 30 Days.
  • Minimum of 3 sales made.
  • Vendor profile is completed and products include photos and information related to the strain of seeds/clones you are selling. 

Banner / Ad Requirements:

  • Promotional Banner MUST be the following size 970px (W) x 250px (H)
  • Newsletter Ad MUST be the following size 1200px (W) x 600px (H)
  • Design should be professional and include detailed information regarding your promo, sale, or drop.

We try our best to be as reasonable as possible however we also must enforce such standards when promoting vendors or products in order to meet customer expectations. 

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